HAWC2 Publications

On this page you can find publications, articles and reports related to HAWC2. This section is divided into the following categories:

Journal Papers

Year Title Journal  Author 
 2019 Implementation of the Blade Element Momentum Model on a Polar Grid and its Aeroelastic Load Impact Wind Energy Science  Helge Aagaard Madsen, Torben Juul Larsen, Georg Raimund Pirrung, Ang Li, and Frederik Zahle
2017 Trailed vorticity modeling for aeroelastic wind turbine simulations in standstill Wind Energy Science Georg R. Pirrung, Helge Aa. Madsen and Scott Schreck
Fluctuations of angle of attack and lift coefficient and the resultant fatigue loads for a large horizontal axis wind turbine Renewable Energy Rezaeiha A, Pereira R, and Kotsonis M
2016 Comparison of a coupled near- and far-wake model with a free-wake vortex code Wind Energy Science Georg R. Pirrung, Vasilis Riziotis, Helge Aa. Madsen, Morten H. Hansen, and Taeseong Kim
2016 A coupled near and far wake model for wind turbine aerodynamics Wind Energy Georg R. Pirrung, Helge A. Madsen, Taeseong Kim and Joachim Heinz
2014 Investigation of potential extreme load reduction for a two-bladed upwind turbine with partial pitch Wind Energy Taeseong Kim, Torben J. Larsen and Anders Yde
2014 Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation (OC4), Phase I—Results of Coupled Simulations of an Offshore Wind Turbine with Jacket Support Structure 

Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy

Wojciech Popko, Fabian Vorpahl, Adam Zuga, Martin Kohlmeier, Jason Jonkman, Amy Robertson, Torben J. Larsen, Anders Yde, Kristian Sætertrø, Knut M. Okstad, James Nichols, Tor A. Nygaard, Zhen Gao, Dimitris Manolas, Kunho Kim, Qing Yu, Wei Shi, Hyunchul Park, Andrés Vásquez-Rojas, Jan Dubois, Daniel Kaufer, Paul Thomassen, Marten J. de Ruiter, Tjeerd van der Zee, Johan M. Peeringa, Huang Zhiwen, Heike von Waaden
2013 Verification of aero-elastic offshore wind turbine design codes under IEA Wind Task XXIII Wind Energy Fabian Vorpahl1, Michael Strobel, Jason M. Jonkman, Torben J. Larsen, Patrik Passon, James Nichols
2013 Development of an anisotropic beam finite element for composite wind turbine blades in multibody system Renewable Energy Taeseong Kim, Anders M. Hansen, Kim Branner
2012 Validation of the dynamic wake meander model for loads and power production in the Egmond aan Zee wind farm Wind Energy Torben J. Larsen, Helge Aa. Madsen, Gunner C. Larsen, Kurt S. Hansen


Conference Papers

Year Title Conference  Author
2018 Fast trailed and bound vorticity modeling of swept wind turbine blades Torque from wind Ang Li, Georg R. Pirrung, Helge Aa. Madsen, Mac Gaunaa and Frederik Zahle
2018 Comparison of Aero-Elastic Simulations and Measurements Performed on NENUPHAR's 600kW Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: Impact of the Aerodynamic Modelling Torque from wind F. Blondel, C. Galinos, U. Paulsen, P. Bozonnet, M. Cathelain, G. Ferrer , H.A. Madsen, G.R. Pirrung, F. Silvert
2018 Measured aerodynamic forces on a full scale 2MW turbine in comparison with EllipSys3D and HAWC2 simulations Torque from Wind H Aa Madsen, N N Sørensen, C Bak, N Troldborg and G Pirrung
2016 Benchmarking aerodynamic prediction of unsteady rotor aerodynamics of active flaps on wind turbine blades using ranging fidelity tools Torque from Wind

Thanasis Barlas, Eva Jost, Georg R. Pirrung, Theofanis Tsiantas, Vasilis Riziotis, Sachin T. Navalkar, Thorsten Lutz and Jan-Willem van Wingerden

2016 Trailed vorticity modeling for aeroelastic wind turbine simulations in stand still Torque from Wind Georg R. Pirrung, Helge Aa. Madsen and Scott Schreck
2016 Mapping Wind Farm Loads and Power Production - A Case Study on Horns Rev 1 Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online) Christos Galinos, Nikolay Krasimirov Dimitrov, Torben J. Larsen, Anand Natarajan, Kurt Schaldemose Hansen  
2015 Comparison Of Measured And Simulated Loads For The Siemens Swt 2.3 Operating In Wake Conditions At The Lillgrund Wind Farm Using Hawc2 And The Dynamic Wake Meander Model EWEA Offshore Torben J. Larsen, Gunner Larsen, Helge A. Madsen, Kenneth Thomsen, Søren M. Pedersen
2014 The influence of trailed vorticity on flutter speed estimations Torque from Wind Georg R. Pirrung, Helge Aa. Madsen and Taeseong Kim
Improvement of a near wake model for trailing vorticity Torque from Wind Georg R. Pirrung, Morten H. Hansen and Helge Aa. Madsen


Comparison of aerodynamic models for Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

Torque from Wind

C Simão Ferreira, H Aagaard Madsen, M Barone, B Roscher, P Deglaire and I Arduin


A comparison study of the two-bladed partial pitch turbine during normal operation and an extreme gust conditions

Torque from Wind

T Kim, MM Petersen, and TJ Larsen


Implementation of the Actuator Cylinder flow model in the HAWC2 code for aeroelastic simulations on Vertical Axis Wind Turbines


Helge Aagaard Madsen, Torben Larsen, Luca Vita, Uwe Paulsen  


On the way to reliable aeroelastic load simulation on VAWT's


Torben J. Larsen, Helge Aagaard Madsen


Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation (OC4), Phase I – Results of Coupled Simulations of an Offshore Wind Turbine with Jacket Support Structure


Wojciech Popko, Fabian Vorpahl, Adam Zuga, Martin Kohlmeier, Jason Jonkman, Amy Robertson, Torben J. Larsen, Anders Yde, Kristian Sætertrø, Knut M. Okstad, James Nichols, Tor A. Nygaard, Zhen Gao, Dimitris Manolas, Kunho Kim, Qing Yu, Wei Shi, Hyunchul Park, Andrés Vásquez-Rojas, Jan Dubois, Daniel Kaufer, Paul Thomassen, Marten J. de Ruiter, Johan M. Peeringa, Huang Zhiwen, Heike von Waaden


Technical Reports

Year  Title  Author 
2018 Dynamic stall model modifications to improve the modeling of vertical axis wind turbines Georg R. Pirrung and Mac Gaunaa
2018 Steady State Comparisons HAWC2 v12.5 vs HAWCStab2 v2.14: Integrated and distributed aerodynamic performance David R. Verelst, Morten H. Hansen, Georg R. Pirrung
2018 Final Report of IEA Wind Task 29 Mexnext (Phase 3) Boorsma, K.; Schepers, J.G.; Gomez-Iradi, S.; Herraez, I.; Lutz, T.; Weihing, P.; Oggiano, L.; Pirrung, G.R.; Madsen, H.A.; Shen, W.Z.; Rahimi, H.; Schaffarczyk, P.
2016 Steady State Comparisons HAWC2 v12.2 vs HAWCStab2 v2.12 David R. Verelst, Morten H. Hansen, Georg R. Pirrung
2015 MSc report: Study of Design Load Cases for Multi-Megawatt Onshore Vertical Axis Wind Turbines Galinos, C.
2014 Benchmark comparison of load and dynamics of a floating 5MW semisub windturbine, using three different hydrodynamic approaches Torben J. Larsen, Anders Yde, David Verelst, Mads M. Pedersen, Anders M. Hansen, Hans Fabricius Hansen


Publications without DTU authors

Year  Title
 2019  Global sensitivity analysis of offshore wind turbine foundation fatigue loads