Pdap 3.0.1

Pdap 3.0.1

Pdap is a visualization and post-processing data analysis tool, programmed in Python by Mads M. Pedersen (DTU Wind Energy). Pdap can be used for visualizing the results of HAWC2 aeroelastic simulations or measurements etc.

Click here to find a screencast with a small presentation of Pdap and its basic functionalities.

If you have problems to view the file, you can download software for this file type.:
Viewer for Windows: Flash Internet Explorer
Flash Netscape
Viewer for Mac: Flash Netscape (Mac PPC)
Viewer for Linux: Flash Netscape (Linux)

Version 3.0.1 changes:

  • Platform changed to Python 3.3, 64bit
  • Numpy backend changed to Pandas backend (allows pandas operation on dataset.dataFrame)
  • Lazy loading of Hawc2 files
  • Attribute ids preserved during subset loading 
  • Scripting documentation
  • New functions: EqLoad, CycleMatrix, PSD
  • Bug fixes