Here, you can download different Dll´s that might be useful for HAWC2 simulations.

Basic DTU Wind Energy controller

The basic DTU Wind Energy controller is an open-access controller designed for pitch-regulated variable speed wind turbines. The report on the Basic DTU Controller can be found here:


More information and source files are found at the gitlab repository in the link below

Basic DTU Wind Energy controller
Gitlab Link


Wkin DLL

Here you may download the wkin.dll that calculates the water kinematics in HAWC2 simulations.

Remember to set the correct path in your htc-input file to the wkin_dll.dll

Start download by clicking on the appropriate link in the 'Download file' column below and select the option 'Save this file to disk'.

Click on the version number to see a brief description of the program. This will also show relevant commands used in the program.

Release date Product Version Download file File size 
  19.07.2016  Wkin_dll.dll 2.4  wkin_dll_2-4-zip  29.611KB
  22.03.2016  Wkin_dll.dll 2.3
wkin_dll_2-3.zip  20.988KB
 22.07.2015  Wkin_dll.dll 2.2          
 wkin_dll_2-2.zip   20.967KB
 11.06.2015  Wkin_dll.dll 2.1
 wkin_dll_2-1.zip  20.982KB
25.10.2013 Wkin_dll.dll 2.0 
wkin_dll_2-0.zip 820KB
27.06.2013 Wkin_dll.dll 1.9
Has been removed due to a bug in the irregular wave part
23.07.2012 Wkin_dll.dll 1.8 wkin_dll_1-8.zip 599KB

Matlab control

Here you may download the files needed in order to interface between HAWC2 and Matlab by a special TCP/IP protocol.

More information is located in the documentation folder, dll´s and input files are located in the HAWC2 folder and the scripts are located in the Matlab folder.

Start download by clicking on the appropriate link in the 'Download file' column below and select the option 'Save this file to disk'.

Click on the version number to see a brief description of the program. This will also show relevant commands used in the program.

Release date Product Version Download file File size 
 23.05.2014 Matlab control 7.0 Matlab control_version 7.zip